Trouble with Your Drywall: 5 Common Problems

Drywall is a common building material used to form walls, ceilings, eaves, and arches. It is also a fire retardant, protecting buildings so that complete evacuation is possible. However, drywall does not come without its problems, and if you spot a complication with the drywall in your home, reach out to a Norridge house painter for your drywall repairs.
Marks from Furniture
Although scuff marks may be the least significant form of drywall damage, they can still frustrate homeowners. Minor scuffs can be removed with a cleaning sponge, and further scuffing can be prevented by not positioning furniture directly against walls.
Problem Drywall
“Problem drywall” is a term describing drywall that coincides with blackened copper electrical wire or conditioning evaporator coils and that was installed between 2001 and 2009. The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission has recognized a strong association between this drywall and the corrosion of wires and pipes, so drywall must now be examined for volatile sulfur before being installed in the United States.
Drywall Cracks
Cracking in drywall may start out as a minor problem, but it can quickly progress into a bigger complication. If left unrepaired, cracking can damage not only the drywall but also the foundation of the house. Check for cracks on the ceiling. These cracks develop from excess moisture and can be prevented with regular roof inspections. Cracks in drywall can also be due to improperly installed drywall and natural house settling. Cracks can be mended by your house painter with a joint compound.
Termite Damage
Your house painter will check your drywall for signs of termite damage, such as paint bubbling, disintegrating baseboards, hollow walls, and small pinholes as . If termite damage is detected, you should then contact your pest prevention company promptly.
Tight Drywall Joints
If two adjoining sheets of drywall fit tightly side-by-side, the natural expansion and contraction of the wood framing causes cracks in the drywall joints, so a 1/8” space should exist between drywall sheets to prevent tight drywall joints and subsequent cracking.
Checking the condition of your drywall is crucial because damaged drywall can cause problems with your home's entire foundational structure. Contact an experienced Norridge house painter at Chicago Painters if you detect a problem with your drywall.